2-Minute Sleep Tip: Overcoming Morning Grogginess

2-minute tip insomnia newsletter parents Dec 28, 2021

My favourite trick for overcoming morning grogginess? Prepare a thermos of ice-cold water to drink first thing after waking up. 


Here’s a 2-minute tip you can share with your teen: 

  1. In the evening, fill a thermos or an insulated water bottle with water and 5-7 ice cubes.
  2. Optional: Add lemon or lime juice and a bit of salt.
  3. Shake and place near the alarm.
  4. After waking, the water will still be ice-cold. Drink the entire thing right after turning off the alarm.
  5. If this tip helps, set a daily evening reminder to prepare ice-cold water for the next day. 
white and black calvin klein bottle


Listen to Find the Eight Episode #3: How to Make Waking Up Less Painful.

COMING UP: In next week’s newsletter (the first of 2022!), we're going to talk about the power of putting sticky moments on autopilot.

Happy New Year!

P.S. Want to read past 2-minute tips? You can find them all here.



A friendly note if you not are a parent of teens: You may have noticed that this newsletter doesn’t sound like it’s written for you. Though I hope you'll still find the ideas and tips helpful, if you wish to unsubscribe, no hard feelings! If you know any parents of teens or professionals who work with teens, please share my website where they can sign up for the newsletter.

NOTE: The content and all linked materials in this newsletter provide general information about sleep and insomnia and are not intended to replace medical advice from a qualified healthcare provider. The provided content should not be relied upon for medical diagnosis or management. Please direct questions or concerns to your physician and/or qualified health care provider.

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