2-Minute Sleep Tip: The Vicious Cycle of Insomnia, Exhaustion and Napping

2-minute tip insomnia newsletter parents Jan 11, 2022

We’ve talked about how sleeping in can fuel insomnia because there isn’t enough time awake to build up adequate pressure (or drive) for a good night's sleep.

Another common reason for inadequate sleep drive is napping.

Think of napping like a snack in the late afternoon ruining your appetite for dinner. Naps make sense in the moment but end up costing your teen good night-time sleep.


This is a tricky one to navigate as a parent.

One approach is to help your teen prepare for high-risk times for napping (typically right after school). Help them schedule fun plans ahead of time and avoid sleep-conducive environments like the couch or their bed.

If this approach isn't realistic, another option is to just understand how the nap will impact when your teen can expect sleep that night so they can avoid the trap of showing up too early for sleep.

All The Best,



Want to read past 2-minute tips? You can find them all here.

NOTE: The content and all linked materials in this newsletter provide general information about sleep and insomnia and are not intended to replace medical advice from a qualified healthcare provider. The provided content should not be relied upon for medical diagnosis or management. Please direct questions or concerns to your physician and/or qualified health care provider.

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