How to Get the Ball Rolling and Help Your Teen Sleep Better

2-minute tip insomnia newsletter parents Mar 22, 2022

If you're like me, you have a seemingly endless to-do list that grows longer and longer every day.

One simple but powerful strategy is to schedule time to complete tasks in the same way you would schedule an appointment.

The whirlwind of life is strong and what doesn't get scheduled often doesn't get done.

Scheduling ahead of time is one of the bite-sized 2-minute actions that I often recommend to the teens and parents that I work with.

It's a strategy that requires very little effort but the pay-off can be enormous.


  1. Choose one action step you've been meaning to follow-through on to help your teen sleep better. See the list below for recommendations.
  2. Next, schedule time to complete this task in the next 48 hours. Put it in your calendar and set a reminder so you don't forget.
  3. When the time comes to complete the task, put away distractions and devote the entire time to getting the task done.
  4. Finally, once done, choose and schedule the next action step.

Possible Action Steps

  • Listen to Find the Eight Episode #1: The Number One Sleep Trap You Need To Avoid [Estimated time: 9 minutes or less if you listen on 1.5-2x speed]
  • Print & read the Jumpstart Kit [Estimated time: 10 minutes]
  • After you've read the Jumpstart Kit, brainstorm a list of items needed and action steps required to optimize light in your home [Estimated time: 10 minutes]
  • After you've read the Jumpstart Kit, help your teen set up the first version of a Cozy Nook [Estimated time: 30 minutes]
  • After you've read the Jumpstart Kit, help your teen set up the first version of a Sleep Kit [Estimated time: 20 minutes]


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