DECODE Insomnia: The Power of a Sprint

insomnia newsletter parents Feb 01, 2022

In past newsletters, we’ve covered various strategies to sleep better like waking up at a more consistent time, avoiding naps, and reducing evening light.

But what if these things don’t work? Or they work for a few days but then they become too hard to sustain?

One tricky thing about getting sleep on track is that all of the right pieces of the puzzle have to come together at the same time and for long enough to see benefit. Putting away electronics earlier will not be helpful if the mind is really busy or if the body clock is running late.

The other tricky thing is that the actions that need to be taken are especially hard (or next to impossible) to do consistently when exhausted.

This is why a sleep reset can be helpful.

A reset is like a brief sprint up a hill on a bike--a time-limited effort during which your tired teen’s energy, attention and willpower is thrown towards getting to the top.

While a more casual approach up that hill can work, the process is more drawn out, leading to distraction, discouragement, and derailment.


Take a listen to this podcast episode.

A sleep reset is based on a powerful strategy from cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I). In CBT-I, we use a more structured approach and monitor progress with sleep logs but the same principles can still be helpful outside of treatment.

NOTE: As with venturing on a difficult uphill trek, there are a few things that can make or break the success of a reset. Before starting, it’s best to have the necessary gear, the best route mapped out, the right support system, a contingency plan for when things go wrong, and a clear reason to get to the top. These elements are built into the curriculum of the insomnia program that I'm in the midst of developing. A reset is actually not a good idea without these things because your teen is set up for limited progress, frustration, and, ultimately, further evidence that ‘nothing works’.

All The Best,

P.S. I'm going to talk in more detail about these ideas, the program, and much more in an upcoming free virtual webinar for teens, young adults, and their parents on February 10 4pm EST and February 28 12pm EST. Please share with anyone you think could benefit.

P.P.S. Earlier this week, I did an Instagram Live (my first ever!) about teen sleep with pediatric sleep expert Dr. Funke Afolabi-Brown from Restful Sleep MD. You can watch it here



Want to read past newsletters? You can find them all here.

NOTE: The content and all linked materials in this newsletter provide general information about sleep and insomnia and are not intended to replace medical advice from a qualified healthcare provider. The provided content should not be relied upon for medical diagnosis or management. Please direct questions or concerns to your physician and/or qualified health care provider.

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