How to Help Your Teen Adjust Their Sleep Schedule After The Break

insomnia newsletter parents Mar 15, 2022

During holidays, it's common for your teen to shift onto a later sleep schedule.

Here are a few tips to help make that first Monday morning a bit less painful.

In the few days before the end of the break, help them

  1. Wake up no later than two hours past the time they will have to wake up for school by planning fun activities ahead of time. It's a bonus if the activities are outdoors because it's also helpful to...
  2. Get lots of bright sunlight right after waking
  3. Be extra careful about reducing light starting 3 hours before their ideal after-the-break bedtime
  4. Avoid activities or plans that will keep them up late

After returning, anticipate some especially rough mornings.

Because their body clock has shifted later, they're being forced to wake up many hours before the ideal time for their current circadian rhythm.

During the first few days back, help them

  1. Continue with all of the above
  2. Set up strategies to combat morning grogginess ahead of time (ex. prepare ice water in a thermos the night before so it's on hand right after waking)
  3. Simplify and streamline the morning so they don't have to wake up as early (ex. prepare their outfit and lunch the night before)
  4. Build more sleepiness (or sleep drive) for an earlier bedtime. Help them avoid after-school naps and, if possible, boost physical activity as much as possible.
  5. Avoid the trap of showing up too early for sleep, which is especially common in those first few days back.


Take a listen to Find the Eight episodes 5 and 6 and check out the light tips in the DECODE Jumpstart Kit.


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