"I've Always Been A Bad Sleeper"

insomnia newsletter parents Apr 19, 2022

I hear this a lot.

While this belief makes sense when sleep has been a struggle, in my experience, the 'bad sleeper' label undermines effective action (often in a sneaky, unconscious way).

Why make an effort? I’m a bad sleeper so nothing's going to work.

It's hard to change the script but here is a small trick to pivot towards a more helpful thought:

The next time the ‘bad sleeper’ thought shows up, tag on ‘yet’.

I’m not a good sleeper…yet. My teenager is not a good sleeper…yet. Nothing has worked…yet.

Just like your teen learned how to walk, talk, and ride a bike when they were younger, they can also learn to sleep better. They just need the right strategies, training, support, and a clear roadmap.​



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