Moving Beyond the First Pancake to Sleep Better

insomnia newsletter parents Apr 26, 2022

One of the most common traps when getting sleep on track is stopping after the first try.

I often see this when teens are setting up their cozy nook or a bedtime routine.

If the first version doesn’t work, it’s common to believe that it will never work. The strategy is abandoned and they miss out on a powerful intervention.

When making pancakes, the first pancake often burns or looks a little wonky, but we keep going, we learn from our mistakes, and the last pancake often looks pretty perfect.


You can apply this idea to any new thing your teen is trying to implement, whether it's setting up a bedtime routine, setting up a morning routine, setting up a cozy nook, creating a plan to avoid naps, adopting a more helpful mindset regarding sleep, combating morning grogginess, or tackling a busy mind.

See if there's anything to loop back to with this idea of the first pancake in mind.

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