Why the Teen Years are a Perfect Storm for Insomnia

insomnia newsletter parents Mar 29, 2022

Why are the teen years a perfect storm for insomnia?

Our modern world is not set up for good sleep but the set up is so much worse for teens.

I share why in this interview with pediatric sleep respirologist Dr. Funke Afolabi-Brown of Restful Sleep MD.

Here are the highlights:

Perfect Storm Ingredient #1: There is a delay in the timing of the body clock in adolescence. Unless your teen has a late school start time, they are likely waking up hours earlier than what is ideal for their circadian rhythm on weekdays.

Perfect Storm Ingredient #2: There are so many reasons why it’s hard to settle to sleep on time in the teenage years.

  • Having to stay up late to complete homework or for extracurriculars and other commitments
  • The struggle to put away devices because of the importance of staying connected to friends as well as the drive for independence and freedom in the teen years
  • Being in a stage of life when there is a LOT to process--figuring out who they are, what matters to them, what they want for their future, who they want to spend their time with...
  • The increase in mental health difficulties and substance use

Perfect Storm Ingredient #3: Teens spend a lot of time in bed awake because it’s often the one place where they have privacy and feel comfortable. Unfortunately, this time awake in bed creates an unhelpful association with the bed that fuels insomnia.

Perfect Storm Ingredient #4: All of the above leads to insufficient sleep. And what makes sense when sleep deprived and exhausted? Sleeping in, napping after school, opting out of plans, becoming more sedentary, defaulting to more screen time, and using caffeine and sugary foods to temporarily boost energy. These are all responses that help in-the-moment but, unfortunately, fuel the problem even more.

Perfect Storm Ingredient #5: Sleep deprivation impacts focus, learning, productivity, mood, school attendance, the ability to regulate, decision-making, problem-solving, and interactions with others, leading to more stress and difficulty settling to sleep.

And on and on and on…

It really is a wonder that any teenager can sleep well.

In this interview with Dr. Brown, I share what you can do as a parent and why there is hope despite this perfect storm.

All the best!

P.S. Please share this newsletter with anyone you think could benefit!



Want the roadmap for getting sleep on track? Watch my recent webinar "I'm Exhausted But I Can't Sleep!" here.

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NOTE: The content, the webinar, and all linked materials in this newsletter provide general information about sleep and insomnia and are not intended to replace medical advice from a qualified healthcare provider. The provided content should not be relied upon for medical diagnosis or management. Please direct questions or concerns to your physician and/or qualified health care provider.


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